The SmallTubers Forum will not always monitor the topics or threads posted on this forum, and is therefore not responsible for the arrangements made on it.
It should be noted that when arranging to meet other SmallTuber users, you should be absolutely sure that you know who you are meeting.It is recommended to chat to the person over Skype first to actually see that the person you are talking to, is in fact who they say they are. If you suspect that anyone is abusing the SmallTubers forum site for anything but the purpose to meet friends, you should report that user immediately to the SmallTubers Forum admins.
It is advised that SmallTubers should meet in a group for safety - Big events are ideal for meetings.
Please Note: If you are under the age of 18, for your own safety, you should not be arranging to meet anyone via the SmallTubers Forum. Also, those over the age of 18 should not be arranging to meet those younger.
Please be careful when meeting up with people.
It should be noted that when arranging to meet other SmallTuber users, you should be absolutely sure that you know who you are meeting.It is recommended to chat to the person over Skype first to actually see that the person you are talking to, is in fact who they say they are. If you suspect that anyone is abusing the SmallTubers forum site for anything but the purpose to meet friends, you should report that user immediately to the SmallTubers Forum admins.
It is advised that SmallTubers should meet in a group for safety - Big events are ideal for meetings.
Please Note: If you are under the age of 18, for your own safety, you should not be arranging to meet anyone via the SmallTubers Forum. Also, those over the age of 18 should not be arranging to meet those younger.
Please be careful when meeting up with people.