Hey im AndyTheCee, well on youtube rest of the time im just Andy, though would be cool if my middle name was actually "the".
Prob done the whole topic/forum/post thing wrong cause i'm an internet idiot but if i haven't then i'm Andy. Technically i do vlogs and other little videos but they don't really have anything vloggy in them, just me rambling usually. Be good to read about some people who actually know what they're doing for once. Is that all i need to say, i think so, man i'm rambling in type form now, ok i'm done
Prob done the whole topic/forum/post thing wrong cause i'm an internet idiot but if i haven't then i'm Andy. Technically i do vlogs and other little videos but they don't really have anything vloggy in them, just me rambling usually. Be good to read about some people who actually know what they're doing for once. Is that all i need to say, i think so, man i'm rambling in type form now, ok i'm done